Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

contoh dialog bahasa inggris in the zoo

In holidays, Disa, Della, Ulfa, Wulan spent their holidays in the Singapore zoo.
Disa                          : What time is it? They promise we come together at 8 o’clock. (melihat jam)
beberapa menit kemudian..
Ulfa                          : Hai…
Disa                          : what time is it?
Ulfa                          : aaaaa…. My watch is dead
In a few minutes …
Della&Wulan        : Good Morning!!!!!
Disa                          : What time the promise? You are very late
Della                         : still jam segitu…
Disa                          : look this not look that :O
Della                         : that are clock too
Ulfa                          : you say still
Wulan                      : come on… we go into locket..
della,disa,ulfa       : let’s go!!!

Ulfa                          : sir, I buy 4 tickets… thanks… come on guys…
Della                         : where will we go?
Disa                          : go to your heart
Wulan                      : come on seriously. Where will we go?
Ulfa                          : we go to the first place. It is in (diam) bird park
Disa                          : OK. If you say that come on…

In the bird park
Della                         : what a beautiful bird is it! What is it name?
Wulan                      : read first
Ulfa                          : oh…reality blablabla
Disa                          : what are you say?
Ulfa                          : wulan say read first.
Wulan                      : needn't be taken as problem. Come on continue
Ulfa                          : blablabla
Della                         : so, that is best species
Disa                          : yea… look at this. Beside the bird park there is lion. Come on we go there.
Della                         : no, no, no. I’m so afraid
Ulfa                          : the lion is in stable. Impossible to out.
Disa                          : you in here.
Della                         : no, no, no. I follow you

Della kebelakangnya ulfa
ulfa                           : what are you doing?
Della                         : I’m afraid.
Ulfa                          : you know?
della                         : what?
Ulfa                          : I’m afraid too
Wulan                      : (bisik ke disa) what are they doing?
Disa                          : they are afraid. So, up to their.
Wulan                      : come on if you afraid. We go to the next place
Della                         : come on!! Hurry up!! I’m so afraid!!
Wulan,della,ulfa di depan
Ulfa                          : come on sa…
disa                           : yea. Wait. I want to take picture with the lion
Wulan                      : Sa, I want to take picture too!!
Della                         : heh… don’t be long time…
Disa                          : OK, OK, OK

Di perjalanan
Wulan                      : guys, what is the next place?
Della                         : may be crocodile. This is my favorite animal
disa                           : what?
Ulfa                          : yes, crocodile. Why? Are you afraid?
Disa                          : no, no.
Wulan                      : come on. Let’s go.

Wulan                      : dell, why you like crocodile?
Della                         : because crocodile is very cute
Disa                          : kyat kyut kyat kyut

Lama di jalan
Della                         : fittingly we are not arrive just now
Ulfa                          : yes, yes (wulan liat peta)
Wulan                      : we are work in the wrong way. We should pass this way not this way
Ulfa                          : guys. Beside this, there is butterfly place.
Della                         : bohh… so, we cancel to the crocodile
Disa                          : yes! Something!
Wulan                      : hey.. what are you doing?
Disa                          : nothing
Wulan                      : that is the butterfly place. What a beautiful colour!! Take me a picture!
Ulfa                          : come on!! (bisik)
Della&disa             : what?
Ulfa                          : in here. There is a place of caterpillar too
Disa                          : how with wulan?
Della                         : whatever lah!!
Dell,disa,ulfa         : LOL
Wulan                      : heh, what?
Disa                          : nothing special
wulan                      : come on take me a picture
Ulfa                          : I’m very tired you know?
Della                         : look at there!! Handsome boy over there!!
Disa                          : you always know the handsome boy.
Ulfa                          : always boy forever
Disa&Della             : yes… we like boy not like girl
Wulan                      : ah you… boy boy… where is the boy??
Disa                          : where is ulfa?
della                         : she is ulfa…
wulan                      : yess.. go… hurry up
disa                           : go…

wulan                      : my feeling not good
disa                           : it just your feeling
wulan                      : (teriak)
della,disa,ulfa       : ketawa-ketawa sambil moto-moto wulan
wulan lari keluar
disa                           : wahh,, crocodile
lari lagi
della                         : sa,sa. Your twin…
disa                           : ha? My twin? Where is my twin? You lie
Della                         : that is your twin
Disa                          : my twin!!! Can you help me to take picture with it?
Ulfa                          : with happy heart
Della                         : disa, you are so resemble…
Wulan                      : Its very difficult to differentiate between it and you
Disa                          : we are twin… so, certain…
All                              : ketawa
Ulfa                          : I’m very hungry…
Della                         : me too… come on we search place for eating

Di jalan
wulan                      : after eat, we direct go home yea??
Disa                          : OK!!

Di tempat makan
Makan-makan dan ketawa-ketawa riang


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