Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

dampak positif dan negatif globalisasi di bidang ekonomi

Globalisasi ekonomi
Dampak positif dibidang ekonomi, yaitu terbukanya pasar internasional, kesempatan kerja lebih terbuka, dan devisa Negara meningkat. Dengan demikian, hal tersebut da[pat meningkatkan perekonomian bangsa sehingga akan memajukan dan meningkatkan rasa nasionalisme terhadap bangsa dan Negara.
Dampak positif di bidang sosial budaya, yaitu kita semua dapat meniru pola piker positif seperti etos kerja tinggi, sikap disiplin, dan iptek dari Negara lain. Akhirnya cara seperti ini dapat memajukan bangsa dan Negara

Berikut dampak globalisasi dibidang ekonomi baik yang positif maupun negatif
dampak positif.

1.      Pasar yang sangat terbuka untuk produk-produk ekspor (dengn catatan produk ekspor Indonesia dapat bersaing si pasar internasional). Dengan demikian kesempatan pengusaha Indonesia sangat terbuka dalam menciptakan produk berkualitas yang dibutuhkan oleh pasar dunia
2.      Mudah untuk mengakses modal investasi yang berasal dari luar negeri
3.      Mudah mendapatkan barang yang dibutuhkan masyarakat dan belum diproduksi di Indonesia
4.      Kegiatan pariwisata akan meningkat sehingga mampu membuka lapangan kerja dan juga menjadi ajang promosi produk-produk Indonesia

Dampak negatif
Dampak negatif di bidang ekonomi, yaitu terhapusnya rasa cinta terhadap produk dalam negeri karena banyak produk luar negeri yang beredar di Indonesia. Dampak negatif terhadap generasi bangsa yaitu gaya hidup yang cenderung meniru budaya barat. Budaya barat dianggap sebagai kiblat gaya hidup dunia
Dampak negatif globalisasi juga menyebabkan kesenjangan social antara si kaya dan si miskin karena adanya persainbgan bebas.hal ini dapat menimbulkan perselisihan antara si kaya dan si miskin. Selain itu, dampak negatif lainnya yaitu terbentuknya sikap individualism yang menimbulkan rasa tidak peduli kepada sesama bahkan kepada bangsa.

Berikut dampak globalisasi dibidang ekonomi baik yang positif maupun negatif
dampak negatif
1. Masuknya tenaga kerja asing
2. hilangnya pasar produk Indonesia karena kalah bersaing dengan produk luar negeri
3. usaha- usaha di Indonesia akan mati karena banyak produk impor dipasaran Indonesia
Adanya globalisasi juga berdampak pada kehidupan suatu bangsa, termasuk Indonesia. Pengaruh globalisasi dapat bersifat positif dan negatif. Pengaruh ini akan mempengaruhi nilai-nilai nasionalisme suatu bangsa

Mencegah dampak negatif globalisasi terhadap nasionalisme
Banyak cara untuk mencegah dampak negatif ini. Berikut ini cara-cara mengantisipasi dampak negatif globalisasi terhadap nilai-nilai nasionalisme.
1. Meningkatkan rasa nasionalsme, seperti mencintai produk dalam negeri.
2. Mengamalkan nilai-nilai pancasila dengan baik.
3. Menegkkan hkum secara adil.
4. Dapat menyaring pengaruh globalisasi di semua bidang (politik, ideology, ekonomi, dan social budaya)
Cara-cara tersebut diharapkan dapat mencegah pengaruh negatif globalisasi dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara sehingga tidak menghilangkan rasa nasionalisme. 

contoh dialog bahasa inggris in the zoo

In holidays, Disa, Della, Ulfa, Wulan spent their holidays in the Singapore zoo.
Disa                          : What time is it? They promise we come together at 8 o’clock. (melihat jam)
beberapa menit kemudian..
Ulfa                          : Hai…
Disa                          : what time is it?
Ulfa                          : aaaaa…. My watch is dead
In a few minutes …
Della&Wulan        : Good Morning!!!!!
Disa                          : What time the promise? You are very late
Della                         : still jam segitu…
Disa                          : look this not look that :O
Della                         : that are clock too
Ulfa                          : you say still
Wulan                      : come on… we go into locket..
della,disa,ulfa       : let’s go!!!

Ulfa                          : sir, I buy 4 tickets… thanks… come on guys…
Della                         : where will we go?
Disa                          : go to your heart
Wulan                      : come on seriously. Where will we go?
Ulfa                          : we go to the first place. It is in (diam) bird park
Disa                          : OK. If you say that come on…

In the bird park
Della                         : what a beautiful bird is it! What is it name?
Wulan                      : read first
Ulfa                          : oh…reality blablabla
Disa                          : what are you say?
Ulfa                          : wulan say read first.
Wulan                      : needn't be taken as problem. Come on continue
Ulfa                          : blablabla
Della                         : so, that is best species
Disa                          : yea… look at this. Beside the bird park there is lion. Come on we go there.
Della                         : no, no, no. I’m so afraid
Ulfa                          : the lion is in stable. Impossible to out.
Disa                          : you in here.
Della                         : no, no, no. I follow you

Della kebelakangnya ulfa
ulfa                           : what are you doing?
Della                         : I’m afraid.
Ulfa                          : you know?
della                         : what?
Ulfa                          : I’m afraid too
Wulan                      : (bisik ke disa) what are they doing?
Disa                          : they are afraid. So, up to their.
Wulan                      : come on if you afraid. We go to the next place
Della                         : come on!! Hurry up!! I’m so afraid!!
Wulan,della,ulfa di depan
Ulfa                          : come on sa…
disa                           : yea. Wait. I want to take picture with the lion
Wulan                      : Sa, I want to take picture too!!
Della                         : heh… don’t be long time…
Disa                          : OK, OK, OK

Di perjalanan
Wulan                      : guys, what is the next place?
Della                         : may be crocodile. This is my favorite animal
disa                           : what?
Ulfa                          : yes, crocodile. Why? Are you afraid?
Disa                          : no, no.
Wulan                      : come on. Let’s go.

Wulan                      : dell, why you like crocodile?
Della                         : because crocodile is very cute
Disa                          : kyat kyut kyat kyut

Lama di jalan
Della                         : fittingly we are not arrive just now
Ulfa                          : yes, yes (wulan liat peta)
Wulan                      : we are work in the wrong way. We should pass this way not this way
Ulfa                          : guys. Beside this, there is butterfly place.
Della                         : bohh… so, we cancel to the crocodile
Disa                          : yes! Something!
Wulan                      : hey.. what are you doing?
Disa                          : nothing
Wulan                      : that is the butterfly place. What a beautiful colour!! Take me a picture!
Ulfa                          : come on!! (bisik)
Della&disa             : what?
Ulfa                          : in here. There is a place of caterpillar too
Disa                          : how with wulan?
Della                         : whatever lah!!
Dell,disa,ulfa         : LOL
Wulan                      : heh, what?
Disa                          : nothing special
wulan                      : come on take me a picture
Ulfa                          : I’m very tired you know?
Della                         : look at there!! Handsome boy over there!!
Disa                          : you always know the handsome boy.
Ulfa                          : always boy forever
Disa&Della             : yes… we like boy not like girl
Wulan                      : ah you… boy boy… where is the boy??
Disa                          : where is ulfa?
della                         : she is ulfa…
wulan                      : yess.. go… hurry up
disa                           : go…

wulan                      : my feeling not good
disa                           : it just your feeling
wulan                      : (teriak)
della,disa,ulfa       : ketawa-ketawa sambil moto-moto wulan
wulan lari keluar
disa                           : wahh,, crocodile
lari lagi
della                         : sa,sa. Your twin…
disa                           : ha? My twin? Where is my twin? You lie
Della                         : that is your twin
Disa                          : my twin!!! Can you help me to take picture with it?
Ulfa                          : with happy heart
Della                         : disa, you are so resemble…
Wulan                      : Its very difficult to differentiate between it and you
Disa                          : we are twin… so, certain…
All                              : ketawa
Ulfa                          : I’m very hungry…
Della                         : me too… come on we search place for eating

Di jalan
wulan                      : after eat, we direct go home yea??
Disa                          : OK!!

Di tempat makan
Makan-makan dan ketawa-ketawa riang


contoh pidato bahasa inggris

How to speak to tourists
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
good morning/good afternoon ladies and gentlemen
the honour, Mr/ Mrs……….

                first of all I would like to say thanks to allah swt for his blessing so that we can be here with a good condition. And the second I would like to say thank to Mr/ Mrs……. And audience for giving me an opportunity to speak before you all. And in this nice opportunity I would like to tell about “how to speak to tourist”.
                A good way to practice English is by speaking with a native English speaker. It is of primary importance that you realize that most westerner is a person from Europe, the united states or Australia. This is a common term just as people from asian countries are often called from “east”.
                Tourists often go traveling and come to Indonesia to relax and be alone. But many people who always bother them by wanting to talk to them. So, how can you practice your English when the native speaker wants to be alone and not be bothered by people.
                Now I have steps about how to practice your English with a tourists without bothering them.
First step : look at the situation
                before approaching a tourist, it is best to look at the situation. If the tourist is busy, most likely it is not a good idea to interrupt them, and it may be ok to approach a tourists if they are do not seem busy, or seem to be in a good mood.
Second step : ask first
                when you approach a tourists it is often a good idea to ask if you are bothering them or if you can speak with them and it is a good idea to begin with a polite introduction, like “are you busy?”, then you may follow by asking like “may I speak with you?”, and if they say that they are busy or decline your initation to talk, tell them thank you and then leave. But if the tourists says they would like to talk with you, you can proceed to the next step.
Third step : what to talk about
                westerners like to have privacy, this means that many Indonesia questions are too personal and should not be asked. And you can ask or talk about questions about their country. The main point is to ask questions to show that you are in interested in the person you should not ask or talk about : money, family, sexual objects. These are all considered personal questions and are not usually discussed the first time you meet someone.

Fourth step : Hoew to say good-bye
                when you are ready to leave the tourists is ready to end the conversation, do not say “I think that is enough” that is very impolite way to end conversation in English. It is better if to say “thak you very much”  followed by “I enjoyed speaking with you” then say “good bye” and wave your hand.
I think that’s all from me. I hope my speech can give you advantages. And if I have a mistake I am so sory. Thank you for your attention. Have a nice day.
assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

cara writing

Beginning :      what? Where ? when?with whom?
                        what   = recreation
                        where = cubanrondo waterfall
                        when  = when I grade 8
                        with whom = with family
Middle      :     what happened ?
                        grilled corn with sister
                        tell me more
                        put margarin on

                        what happened ?
                        saw beautifull waterfall
                        tell me more
                        looked like water fell from heavent

Ending :   solution/opinion
                love cubanrondo waterfall

Cubanrondo Waterfall
       I went to cubanrondo waterfall with my family.  
       I grilled corn with sister. We put margarin on them. I saw a beautifull waterfall. That is looked like water fell from heavent.
       Beautiful place. I love cubanrondo waterfall.

Cubanrondo Waterfall
        I went to cubanrondo waterfall which located at Batu Malang by car. I went to cubanrondo waterfall with my mom and my two sisters.
        After  arrived  in cubanrondo waterfall. First, my two sister and I went to play ground. In there, we saw some people swimming. After that, I looked scenery arround there. In there, I saw stand that grilled corn. So me and my sister direct went there for grilled corn. Before we grilled corn I called my mom to join.  And when I called my mom, my two sisters was ordering corn for us and started to burning corn. after I burned the corn, I was dabbing it with margarine. When i ate the corn at the same time I saw the beautiful waterfall. That is looked like water fell from heaven.
        After I enjoyed the activity in cubanrondo waterfall, I went home. I don’t want to forgot it. I love cubanrondo waterfall. 

macam-macam tuna

tu·na·ak·sa·ra a tidak dapat membaca dan menulis; buta huruf
tu·na·bu·sa·na a tidak berpakaian; belum mengenal pakaian
tu·na·dak·sa a cacat tubuh
tu·na·gan·da a penderita cacat lebih dr satu kecacatan (yaitu cacat fisik dan mental)
tu·na·gi·zi a kurang atau rendah kandungan gizinya (tt makanan)
tu·na·gra·hi·ta a cacat pikiran; lemah daya tangkap; idiot
tu·na·kar·ya a tidak mempunyai pekerjaan; tidak bermata pencaharian
tu·na·la·ras a cacat suara dan nada
tu·na·net·ra a tidak dapat melihat; buta
tu·na·po·li·tik a tidak mempunyai pengetahuan tt politik
tu·na·ru·ngu a tidak dapat mendengar; tuli
tu·na·so·si·al a tidak mempunyai rasa rosial
tu·na·su·si·la a tidak mempunyai susila; lonte; pelacur
tu·na·te·na·ga a tidak mempunyai tenaga
tu·na·wi·ca·ra a tidak dapat berbicara; bisu
tu·na·wis·ma a tidak mempunyai tempat tinggal (rumah); gelandangan: kaum -- wisma hidup dan tinggal di bantaran sungai;

macam macam pramu

pra·mu·bak·ti n 1 orang yg membantu dl pelaksanaan tugas sosial; 2 orang yg tugasnya melayani pimpinan
pra·mu·ba·yi n orang yg pekerjaannya merawat bayi: pelatihan -- sistem modern telah dibuka
pra·mu·ga·ra n karyawan perusahaan pengangkutan umum (udara, darat, dan laut) yg bertugas melayani penumpang;
ke·pra·mu·ga·ra·an n hal-hal yg berkenaan dng pekerjaan di pesawat udara, kereta api, atau kapal
pra·mu·ga·ri n karyawati perusahaan pengangkutan umum (udara, darat, dan laut) yg bertugas melayani penumpang
pra·mu·ja·sa n orang yg bekerja di bidang pelayanan jasa;
-- jamban petugas yg menjaga kebersihan toilet umum
pra·mu·ka·mar n karyawan hotel (klub dsb) yg bertugas sbg pesuruh atau pembawa barang milik tamunya
pra·mu·ni·a·ga n karyawan perusahaan dagang yg bertugas melayani konsumen; pelayan took
pra·mu·pin·tu n petugas yg melayani tamu yg akan masuk dan keluar hotel, msl membukakan pintu mobil tamu, mengeluarkan barang-barang tamu dr mobil, dan memayungi tamu jika hujan
pra·mu·ria n karyawati kelab malam yg bertugas melayani dan menemani tamu
pra·mu·sa·ji n orang yg melayani pesanan makanan dan minuman sesuai dng permintaan
pra·mu·si·wi n karyawati yg bekerja pd suatu keluarga dng tugas merawat bayi atau anak-anak kecil keluarga yg bersangkutan
pra·mu·ta·mu n petugas kantor bagian depan hotel yg tugas utamanya mengantarkan tamu ke kamar
pra·mu·wi·sa·ta n petugas pariwisata yg berkewajiban memberi petunjuk dan informasi yg diperlukan wisatawan; pemandu wisata
pra·mu·wis·ma n pembantu rumah tangga

lanjutan florence nightingale

dari kalimat tersebut bisa dinilai betapa florence menghargai seseorang. dalam pemikirannya, tiada tentara terluka yang tak bisa diobati, asal masih ada setitik harapan hidup , tentu tidak alasan untuk membiarkannya.
juli 1856, perang berakhir. sesaat dia masih tinggal di rumah sakit scutari, membereskan sisa pekerjaan yang masih belum selesai, lalu kembali ke inggris secara diam-diam. setelah melihat sendiri banyak kekacauan, lingkungan yang kotor, rintihan dan kematian di medan peranlg, maka florence tetap bertekad untuk menyumbangkan seluruh hidupnya untuk orang sakit, selain itu juga giat membenahi fasilitas rumah sakit.
untuk berterima kasih atas segala jasa florence di kim, rakyat inggris menyumbang sejumlah uang dengan mendirikan yayasan nigthtingale. setelah  di kembali ke inggris, dia menggunakan uang tersebut untuk mendirikat sekolah perawat, melanjutkan karya sosial demi kesejahteraan sesama.
akibat kelelahan yang sangat dan kurang istirahat, kesehatan florence kian menurun. tahun 1896, dia tak pernah lagi keluar dari kamar. 13 agustus 1910, florence yang menginjak usia 90 tahun, meninggal dunia, dimakamkan di tanah makam keluarga east wellow.